Xist! was founded in 1999 by two experienced and enthusiastic (travel) professionals. A team that was soon expanded with a top selection of editors, designers and online specialists.
We travel all over the world, being inspired by listening, watching and experiencing. Numerous creative concepts and media products have been developed over the years. And again and again we ensured that our portfolio of products and services was expanded with what is needed in an era where digitization, information dissemination and knowledge acquisition are changing rapidly.
We now advise a wide selection of national and international (travel) companies about reaching their target groups. By developing e-learning concepts, we are active for many cities in the Netherlands, but we also work for airports, airlines and travel insurers. Moreover, we regularly consult with international shipping companies, tourism ministries and retail chains about innovative media plans.
For all your PR, media and online advice, elearning. you can contact your information brochures, magazines, online productions, editors and design at: sales@xist.nl