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About us

Xist! multimedia bv was founded in 1999. With an experienced team of enthusiastic professionals we work on creative concepts and innovative media products for the tourism sector.


With our extensive portfolio we ensure that the right target group is effectively reached, informed and enthusiastic at the right time. Xist! multimedia bv is at home in all off and online media.


We specialize in increasing knowledge about countries, regions, cities and travel products worldwide. We do this with the help of print, web, web magazines, e-zines, newsletters, mailings and our social media channels.

E-learning is also a very important product. For the travel industry we use the technology of and work with the specialists of The eTraining Company.

Innovative and

 lots of experience

With an experienced team of enthusiastic professionals we are constantly working on new concepts and innovative media products.

International customers

Xist! cooperates already since the start of the company in 1999 with a large group of valued international customers


Xist! is the publisher of Travelution magazine, the largest destination trade magazine in the Netherlands.

19.500 e-learning users

With our e-learning platform ETravelTraining we train over 19.500 travelprofessionals and offer them more than 200 destination training courses.

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